Friday, December 12, 2008

Japanese Scientists Successfully Extract Images From Human Brain

mind reading
Apparently, it is now possible to recreate images from information recorded from the brain. They are using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technology that is then fed into a computer. The Computer decodes the raw data through comparative analysis into images that are seen by the subject being scanned. It is just at the beginning stages of development but this is a major breakthrough and they seem pretty confident about the potential of this technology.

Here is a link to the original article in the Japanese Newspaper Daily Yomiuri Online.

Click on the picture on the right for the original article in the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shinbun.

There are so many potentially wonderful applications for this technology. Just think of what this could mean for coma patients. Not to mention what it could mean for art, entertainment, and the evolution of human culture. The possibilities are staggering. We really are standing at the cusp of a whole new era of marvelous possibilities.

Personally, I can't wait for an Electroplankton -like interface that will allow me to transform my dreams into music videos. I'll be making music in my sleep.

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